Shaka's Blog Site
- AI - MLP-Mixer
- Archlinux - A Non-Official Repository from Chinese Community
- Archlinux - Clean Packages
- Archlinux - Installation
- Archlinux - Installation on Thinkpad X1 Carbon 2018
- Aurora - A LaTeX Plugin for Microsoft Word
- Beam Pattern
- Blog on GitHub
- C++ - Armadillo
- C++ - Basic
- C++ - IT++
- C++ - Multithread
- C++ - Output Object
- C++ - Polymorphism
- C++ - Singleton
- C++ - Standard Template Library (STL)
- C++ - Thread Pool
- C++ - 标准库
- C/C++ - switch
- Convex Optimization
- Cramer-Rao Bound
- Direction Cosine
- Emacs - Basic Configuration
- Emacs - C/C++ Programming
- Emacs - CDLaTeX
- Emacs - CEDET
- Emacs - Company
- Emacs - Dired
- Emacs - Doxygen
- Emacs - Ebib
- Emacs - Flycheck
- Emacs - Gnus
- Emacs - Helm
- Emacs - Language Server Protocol
- Emacs - Movement
- Emacs - Mu4e
- Emacs - Notmuch
- Emacs - RefTeX
- Emacs - Wanderlust
- Emacs - YCMD
- Estimation of Signal Parameters by Rotational Invariance Techniques (ESPRIT)
- Fourier Transform
- Gaussian Distribution
- Git
- GitLab
- Kalman Filter
- LTE - D2D
- LTE - Discovery Signal
- LTE - Downlink Control
- LTE - Frequency Domain Location of Carriers
- LTE - Mobility Management
- LaTeX - Beamer
- LaTeX - Biblatex
- LaTeX - Gantt Chart
- LaTeX - Pgf/Tikz
- LaTeX - Pgfplots
- Laplace Transform
- Least Square and Its Iterative Approach (RLS)
- Linux - Bash
- Linux - Command Line Tools
- Linux - Customize Console
- Linux - Dynamic Window Manager (DWM)
- Linux - Fonts
- Linux - GNU Debugger (GDB)
- Linux - Hyprland
- Linux - Makefile
- Linux - Microcode
- Linux - Network File System (NFS)
- Linux - Network time protocol (NTP)
- Linux - Ranger
- Linux - Sed
- Linux - Sway
- Linux - WiFi6
- Linux - Zathura
- Linux - Zsh
- MATLAB - Figure Data Abstraction
- Machine Learning
- Matched Filter
- Mathematica
- Mathematics
- Multiple Signal Classification (MUSIC)
- Mutt
- NR - Cell Search
- NR - Channel State Information Reference Signal (CSI-RS)
- NR - Demodulation Reference Signal (DMRS)
- NR - Downlink Codebook
- NR - Downlink Control
- NR - Multi-TRP Transmission
- NR - Numerology
- NR - Phase Tracking Reference Signal (PTRS)
- NR - Uplink Control Information (UCI)
- Neural Network
- Orgmode - Export to HTML5 Slide
- Orgmode - Link
- Orgmode - Table
- Orgmode - Tikz
- Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP)
- PBS and Maui
- Python - Basic
- Python - Data Type
- Python - Einops
- Python - Function
- Python - Matplotlib
- Python - Package Management
- Python - Pandas
- Python - Pytorch
- Python - Pytorch Lightning
- Python - QAM
- Python - TDoc
- Python - Tensorflow
- Python - Virtual Environment
- Regular Expression
- Remap CapsLock as Ctrl
- SLNR-based Beamforming
- Sparse Array
- TR38.901
- Uniform Distribution in a Ring Area
- Virtual Console Switch
- Whitening Filter
- Wiener Filter
- Wiener-Khinchin Theorem
- Z Transform
- ZC
- 俗话说
- 归去来兮辞