Emacs - Ebib

Table of Contents

Ebib is a tool inside Emacs for bibliography management, supporting BibTeX and biblatex files. This post is just a brief summary of the online manual.


Ebib can be easily installed via Melpa.


When ebib is started, the Emacs frame is divided into 2 windows, index buffer at the top and entry buffer at the bottom.

Index buffer

All the entries are listed in this buffer.

  • The fields or columns displayed in the buffer can be customized.
  • The entries are by default sorted in ascending order on the first column defined in ebib-index-columns, but the sorting rule can be specified by option ebib-index-default-sort.

Entry buffer

All the fields of the selected entry are shown in this buffer. The first field is type field, as the name indicates, it indicates the type of the entry, e.g., article, book. Besides, the remaining fields can be classified into 4 groups below. Required fields and optional fields are type-specific; while extra fields and undefined fields are not, but defined globally.

  • Required fields: Required by BibTeX/biblatex.
  • Optional fields
  • Extra fields: Usually ignored by BibTeX/biblatex.
  • Undefined fields



Ebib can be started by running command M-x ebib inside Emacs. Optionally, it can be bound to a keyboard shortcut, e.g., adding the new line below to ~/.config/emacs/init.el.

(global-set-key (kbd "C-c e") 'ebib)

Columns in index buffer

(setq ebib-index-columns '(("Year" 6 t)
                           ("Author/Editor" 40 t)
                           ("Title" 50 t)))

Sort columns displayed in index buffer

(setq ebib-index-default-sort '("Year" . descend))

Sort entries in a bib file1

(setq ebib-sort-order '(year author))


Ebib supports two dialects, BibTeX and biblatex. The default dialect is BibTeX, but can be changed to biblatex, i.e.,

(setq ebib-bibtex-dialect 'biblatex)

Generate key

  • If ebib-autogenerate-keys is set to t, function bibtex-generate-autokey will automatically generate the key for the entry.
  • If ebib-autogenerate-keys is set to nil, the key can be manually specified.

Enable multiple citations

(setq ebib-citations-insert-multiple t)

File search directories

For an entry with field file, ebib searches and opens it in a series of directories, i.e., File Search Dirs.

(setq ebib-file-search-dirs '("~/ref/data"))

File association

Ebib opens different types of files, i.e., extensions of files, using different external programs.

(setq ebib-file-associations '(("pdf" . "okular")))


One file per note (default)

The default note file name is the entry key appended with a .org extension. But the naming rule can be customized by option ebib-notes-name-transform-function. Otherwise, ebib-name-transform-function will be used.

(setq ebib-notes-storage 'one-file-per-note)
(setq ebib-notes-directory "~/ref/note")
Multiple notes per file

Optionally, a default note file can be designated for new notes by option ebib-notes-default-file.

(setq ebib-notes-storage 'multiple-notes-per-file)
(setq ebib-notes-locations ("~/ref/note"))

Reading list

Reading list is an Org file, which records the state of an entry, e.g.,

  • TODO for an entry to read
  • DONE for an entry read already
(setq ebib-reading-list-file "~/ref/read.org")


Ebib supports keywords by entry field keywords. Optionally, a canonical keywords list can be defined, e.g.,

(setq ebib-keywords '("mimo" "ofdm"))


Ebib has 4 layout options.

  • Use the full frame (default)
  • Use the current window
  • Use the right part of the frame
    • Ebib can be sent to background by pressing Z instead of z.
    • Multiline edit buffer is not displayed.
  • Display the index window only
    • The entry buffer does not appear by default, but can be displayed only when an entry is added or edited.
    • RET can display the entry buffer by force.


(use-package ebib
  (ebib-preload-bib-files '("~/ref/ref.bib"))
  (ebib-index-columns '(("Year" 6 t)
                        ("Author/Editor" 40 t)
                        ("Title" 50 t)))
  (ebib-index-default-sort '("timestamp" . descend))
  (ebib-sort-order '(year author))
  (ebib-bibtex-dialect 'biblatex)
  (ebib-citations-insert-multiple t)
  (ebib-file-search-dirs '("~/ref/data"))
  (ebib-file-associations '(("pdf" . "okular")))
  (ebib-notes-storage 'one-file-per-note)
  (ebib-notes-directory "~/ref/note")
  (ebib-reading-list-file "~/ref/read.org")
  (ebib-keywords '("mimo" "ofdm"))
  (ebib-autogenerate-keys t)
  (bibtex-autokey-year-title-separator ":")
  (bibtex-autokey-year-length 4))
(use-package ebib-biblio
  :ensure biblio
  :after (ebib biblio)
  (biblio-download-directory "~/ref/data")
  (biblio-bibtex-use-autokey 1))


In index buffer


Shortcut Functionality
q Quit ebib.
z Put ebib in the background.
o Open an existing or create a new bib file.
c Close a opened bib file.
s Save the current database to the original bib file.
w Save the current database to another bib file.
1-9 Switch to opened bib file indexed2 by 1-9.
Left Switch to previous database.
Right Switch to next database.
P Create or edit a @Preamble definition.
S Replace the entry buffer with string buffer.
M c Create a dependent database3.
M a Push entries to a dependent database.
Import entries
From a buffer
Function Functionality
ebib-import-entries Load all entries found in the active buffer/region.
With biblio package
(use-package ebib-biblio
  :ensure biblio
  :after (ebib biblio))
Function Functionality
biblio-lookup Fetch entries from arXiv, CrossRef, DBLP, HAL, IEEE Xplore, etc.
ebib-biblio-selection-import Import the current entry in the biblio.el selection buffer.
B / ebib-biblio-import-doi Fetch entries based on doi.
As a bibliography

Ebib creates a simple LaTeX document essentially consisting of 3 commands below.

  • \nocite{*}
  • \printbibliography
  • \addbibresource
As index cards

Ebib creates a LaTeX file in which a tabular environment is created for each entry including all the fields.

Navigate entries

Shortcut Functionality
p / C-p Move one entry up.
n / C-n Move one entry down.
Space Move one page down.
b Move one page up.
g Move to the first entry.
G Move to the last entry.
j / ebib-jump-to-entry Jump to an entry in all open databases.
C-u j Jump to an entry in the current database.
C For an entry without crossref field, jump to its parent/child entries.

View entries

Shortcut Functionality
f Open the file specfied in field file.
u Open the URL specfied in field url with default browser.
I Send the DOI of the current entry (may be prepended with https://dx.doi.org/) to default browser.
N Create a new note for the entry.

Sort entries

Shortcut Functionality
< Sort entries in asending order.
> Sort entries in descending order.
= Resort the default sorting order.

Search/filter entries

Shortcut Functionality
/ / ebib-search Search for a string or a regular expression from the current entry.
C-u / Start searching with the string for previous search.
& Create a filter or perform a logical and on top of an existing filter.
\(\mid\) Create a logical or on top of an existing filter.
C-u - Negative prefix argument, used to create a logical not.
~ Invert the current filter built up so far.
F v Display the filter in the minibuffer.

Edit entries

Shortcut Functionality
a Add an entry.
d Delete an entry from the database.
k Delete an entry from the database and add it to the kill ring.
y Yank an entry in the kill ring to the current database.
m Mark an entry.
C-u m Unmark all the marked entries if it exists; otherwise, mark all the entries.
e Enter the mode of editing the fields of the current entry.
E Edit the keyname of the current entry.
H Show the hidden fields of the current entry.
x Export current or marked entries to another opened database.
C-u x Export current or marked entries to a new bib file or append them to an existing file.
C k Copy the entry key.
C e Copy the entire entry.
C r Copy a full reference.
C c Copy a citation.

Reading list

Shortcut Functionality
R v View the reading list.
R a Add the current entry to the reading list.
R d Mark the current entry done.

In entry buffer

Navigate fields

Shortcut Functionality
p / C-p Move one field up.
n / C-n Move one field down.
Space Move to next field group.
b Move to previous field group.
g Move to the first field.
G Move to the last field.
q Quit the editing mode of the current entry.

Edit fields

Shortcut Functionality
e / Enter Edit a field value with completion.
s Enter a @String abbreviation as the field value.
C-u e Edit a field value without completion.
m Enter multiline mode for the current field.
d Delete an entry from the database.
a Add a new field.
c Copy the content of the current field to the kill ring.
k Kill the content of the current field to the kill ring.
y Yank the content in the kill ring to the current field.
r Mark the field as a special field4.

In string buffer

Shortcut Functionality
p / C-p Move one string up.
n / C-n Move one string down.
Space Move to 10 strings down.
b Move to 10 strings up.
g Move to the first string.
G Move to the last string.
e Edit a @String value.
d Delete a @String definition.
c Copy a @String value.
x Export a @String definition.
X Export all @String definitions.

Insert citations into a text buffer

To accommodate different modes or types of files, different citation commands are defined and can be redefined by customizing option ebib-citation-commands, e.g.,

  • latex-mode a.k.a. LaTeX-mode
  • text, paren, and year.

In practice, citations can be inserted into a text buffer in two ways below.

Function Functionality
ebib-insert-citation In a text buffer, insert one or more citations5 in the buffer.
ebib-push-citation In ebib index buffer, push one or more citations to a buffer.

Link to external resources

  • Field file specifies the file(s) associated to the entry. If multiple files are associated to one entry, the content of field file is comprised of multiple paths separated by semicolon-space (; ). Each path can be a relative path to one of the directories specfied in ebib-file-search-dirs.
  • Shortcut f can make ebib search the file (indicated by field file) in the directories specfied in ebib-file-search-dirs.
  • Function ebib-download-url can transform the content in field url to a link6 whereby a pdf file will be downloaded. The downloaded file is renamed7 and saved to the first directory in ebib-file-search-dirs.
  • Function ebib-import-file can rename and move a local file to the first directory in ebib-file-search-dirs.



Option ebib-save-xrefs-first needs to be unset first.


In ebib, a string of format "INDEX:BIBFILENAME" is displayed in the mode line.


A dependent database is a database comprised of a subset of entries of a main database.


A special field is a field whose value is not surrounded by a pair of braces when the database is saved.


Option ebib-citations-insert-multiple should be set to select and insert multiple citations, in which ampersand & is used to separate two citations.


The transformation rule can be customized by option ebib-url-download-transformations.


By default, the file name is the entry key appended with a .pdf extension. But the naming rule can be customized by option ebib-name-transform-function.