Linux - Command Line Tools

Table of Contents

Targetting for more features and conveniences, some extremely excellent command line tools are listed in this document, which is encouraged to use.


Starship can provide an exciting prompt to a variety of shells, e.g., bash, csh/tcsh, zsh, etc.

  • Installation (e.g., for Arch Linux)
pacman -S starship
  • Configuration in ~/.bashrc (e.g., for bash)
eval "$(starship init bash)"

File finder


Fd is a replacement for classic find, which can be easily installed by

pacman -S fd


Fzf stands for fuzzy finder, which can be easily installed by

pacman -S fzf


Ripgrep is a replacement for classic grep, which can be easily installed by

pacman -S ripgrep

System monitor


Htop is an interactive provess viewer, envisaged as a replacement of classic top, which can be installed by

pacman -S htop


Glances is a system monitor developped in Python, which can be installed by

pacman -S glances


Ncdu, ncurses based disk usage, is a disk usage analyzer, and very useful to clean and release storage. It can be directly installed by

pacman -S ncdu


Diff-so-fancy is a replacement of diff, with more colors and highlights, which can be installed by

pacman -S diff-so-fancy

It can be integrated with git, by running following commands.

git config --global core.pager "diff-so-fancy | less --tabs=4 -RFX"
git config --global interactive.diffFilter "diff-so-fancy --patch"


Exa is a ls replacement. It can be installed by

pacman -S exa


Bat is a replacement of cat, with more colorful syntax highlighting, which can be installed by

pacman -S bat


Tldr is a simplified manual tool, aiming to replace man.

  • Installation

    pacman -S tldr
  • Configuration

    tldr -u