Linux - Hyprland
Table of Contents
Hyprland is a dynamic tiling compositor based on wlroot. Compared to sway, hyprland provides better experience and easy configuration. What is exciting, its development is much active.
Hyprland's core components and necessary applications can be simply installed and configured, e.g.,
: core componentsfoot
: a native terminal in waylandfuzzel
: an application launcherlight
: a backlight controllerswaync
: a notification utilitygrim
: a screenshot utilityslurp
: a region selection utility in waylandswaybg
: a background setting utilityswaylock
: a utility to lock screenwdisplays
: an arandr counterpart in waylandwaybar
: a bar utility in waylandttf-font-awesome
: a font to display icons in waybarxdg-desktop-portal-hyprland
: XDG desktop handler enabling D-Bus based communication for other applicationsqt5-wayland/qt6-wayland
: Wayland support for QT
pacman -S hyprland waybar foot fuzzel swaybg swaylock light grim slurp ttf-font-awesome qt5-wayland qt6-wayland blueman network-manager-applet pipewire wireplumber xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland-git
By default, all the configuration files are stored in directory ~/.config/hypr
######################################################################################## AUTOGENERATED HYPR CONFIG. PLEASE USE THE CONFIG PROVIDED IN THE GIT REPO /examples/hypr.conf AND EDIT IT, OR EDIT THIS ONE ACCORDING TO THE WIKI INSTRUCTIONS. ######################################################################################## # # Please note not all available settings / options are set here. # For a full list, see the wiki # # autogenerated = 1 # remove this line to remove the warning # See # monitor=name,resolution,position,scale monitor=eDP-1,disable monitor=DP-1,preferred,auto,2 # See for more # Execute your favorite apps at launch exec-once = waybar --config ~/.config/hypr/waybar/config --style ~/.config/hypr/waybar/style.css exec-once = swaybg -i /usr/share/backgrounds/archlinux/small.png exec-once = swaync --config ~/.config/hypr/swaync.json exec-once = fcitx5 -D exec-once = nm-applet exec-once = blueman-applet exec-once = /usr/lib/polkit-kde-authentication-agent-1 # Source a file (multi-file configs) source = ~/.config/hypr/bind.conf source = ~/.config/hypr/env.conf # Window rules windowrulev2 = opacity 0.3, floating:1, class:foot misc { disable_hyprland_logo = true disable_splash_rendering = true focus_on_activate = true } # For all categories, see input { kb_layout = us kb_variant = kb_model = kb_options = caps:ctrl_modifier kb_rules = repeat_rate = 60 repeat_delay = 300 follow_mouse = 1 touchpad { natural_scroll = yes disable_while_typing = true } sensitivity = 0 # -1.0 - 1.0, 0 means no modification. } general { # See for more gaps_in = 1 gaps_out = 1 border_size = 3 col.active_border = rgba(33ccffee) rgba(00ff99ee) 45deg col.inactive_border = rgba(595959aa) layout = dwindle } decoration { # See for more rounding = 9 drop_shadow = yes shadow_range = 3 shadow_render_power = 3 col.shadow = rgba(1a1a1aee) } animations { enabled = yes # Some default animations, see for more bezier = myBezier, 0.05, 0.9, 0.1, 1.05 animation = windows, 1, 8, default animation = windowsOut, 1, 8, default, slide animation = border, 1, 10, default animation = borderangle, 1, 8, default animation = fade, 1, 8, default animation = workspaces, 1, 8, default, fade } dwindle { # See for more pseudotile = yes # master switch for pseudotiling. Enabling is bound to mainMod + P in the keybinds section below preserve_split = yes # you probably want this } master { # See for more new_is_master = true } gestures { # See for more workspace_swipe = off } # Example per-device config # See for more device:epic-mouse-v1 { sensitivity = -0.5 }
# See for more $mainMod = SUPER # Example binds, see for more bind = $mainMod, Q, killactive bind = $mainMod SHIFT, SPACE, togglefloating bind = $mainMod, E, togglesplit # dwindle bind = $mainMod, T, toggleopaque bind = $mainMod, F, fullscreen bind = $mainMod, Return, exec, foot --config ~/.config/hypr/foot.ini bind = $mainMod, D, exec, fuzzel --config ~/.config/hypr/fuzzel.ini bind = , Print, exec, grim $(date +'%Y%m%d-%H%M%S.png') bind = SHIFT, Print, exec, grim -g "$(slurp)" $(date +'%Y%m%d-%H%M%S.png') # Move focus bind = $mainMod, O, cyclenext bind = $mainMod, left, movefocus, l bind = $mainMod, right, movefocus, r bind = $mainMod, up, movefocus, u bind = $mainMod, down, movefocus, d # Switch workspaces bind = $mainMod, 1, workspace, 1 bind = $mainMod, 2, workspace, 2 bind = $mainMod, 3, workspace, 3 bind = $mainMod, 4, workspace, 4 bind = $mainMod, 5, workspace, 5 bind = $mainMod, 6, workspace, 6 bind = $mainMod, 7, workspace, 7 bind = $mainMod, 8, workspace, 8 bind = $mainMod, 9, workspace, 9 # Move active window to a workspace bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 1, movetoworkspacesilent, 1 bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 2, movetoworkspacesilent, 2 bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 3, movetoworkspacesilent, 3 bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 4, movetoworkspacesilent, 4 bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 5, movetoworkspacesilent, 5 bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 6, movetoworkspacesilent, 6 bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 7, movetoworkspacesilent, 7 bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 8, movetoworkspacesilent, 8 bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 9, movetoworkspacesilent, 9 # Move/resize windows bind = $mainMod SHIFT, R, submap, resize_window submap = resize_window binde = , right, resizeactive, 10 0 binde = , left, resizeactive, -10 0 binde = , up, resizeactive, 0 -10 binde = , down, resizeactive, 0 10 bind = , escape, submap, reset submap = reset bindm = $mainMod, mouse:272, movewindow bindm = $mainMod, mouse:273, resizewindow # Adjust volume bindle = , XF86AudioRaiseVolume, exec, pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +5% bindle = , XF86AudioLowerVolume, exec, pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -5% bindle = , XF86AudioMute, exec, pactl set-sink-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ toggle bindle = , XF86AudioMicMute, exec, pactl set-source-mute @DEFAULT_SOURCE@ toggle # Adjust Brightness bindle = , XF86MonBrightnessUp, exec, sudo light -A 5 bindle = , XF86MonBrightnessDown, exec, sudo light -U 5 # System submap: (E)xit, (H)alt, (R)eboot. bind = $mainMod SHIFT, E, submap, system submap = system bind = , E, exit bind = , L, exec, swaylock -i /usr/share/backgrounds/archlinux/small.png bind = , H, exec, systemctl poweroff bind = , R, exec, systemctl reboot bind = , escape, submap, reset submap = reset
env = LANG,en_US.UTF-8 env = XCURSOR_SIZE,32 env = GTK_IM_MODULE,fcitx env = QT_IM_MODULE,fcitx env = XMODIFIERS,@im=fcitx env = QT_QPA_PLATFORM,wayland env = MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND,1 env = XAPIAN_CJK_NGRAM,1 env = EDITOR,/usr/bin/emacsclient -a "" -t env = LIBSEAT_BACKEND,logind
[main] font=JetBrains Mono:size=18
font=JetBrains Mono dpi-aware=auto prompt=" " icon-theme=Arc icons-enabled=yes fuzzy=yes show-actions=no lines=9 width=60 vertical-pad=0 line-height=32 [colors] background=fbf1c7ff text=32302fff match=ae6962ff selection=d5c4a1ff selection-text=282828ff [border] width=0 radius=12
{ "$schema": "/etc/xdg/swaync/configSchema.json", "positionX": "right", "positionY": "top", "layer": "overlay", "control-center-layer": "top", "layer-shell": true, "cssPriority": "application", "control-center-margin-top": 0, "control-center-margin-bottom": 0, "control-center-margin-right": 0, "control-center-margin-left": 0, "notification-2fa-action": true, "notification-inline-replies": false, "notification-icon-size": 64, "notification-body-image-height": 100, "notification-body-image-width": 200, "timeout": 10, "timeout-low": 5, "timeout-critical": 0, "fit-to-screen": true, "control-center-width": 500, "control-center-height": 600, "notification-window-width": 300, "keyboard-shortcuts": true, "image-visibility": "when-available", "transition-time": 200, "hide-on-clear": false, "hide-on-action": true, "script-fail-notify": true, "scripts": { "example-script": { "exec": "echo 'Do something...'", "urgency": "Normal" }, "example-action-script": { "exec": "echo 'Do something actionable!'", "urgency": "Normal", "run-on": "action" } }, "notification-visibility": { "example-name": { "state": "muted", "urgency": "Low", "app-name": "Spotify" } }, "widgets": [ "inhibitors", "title", "dnd", "notifications" ], "widget-config": { "inhibitors": { "text": "Inhibitors", "button-text": "Clear All", "clear-all-button": true }, "title": { "text": "Notifications", "clear-all-button": true, "button-text": "Clear All" }, "dnd": { "text": "Do Not Disturb" }, "label": { "max-lines": 5, "text": "Label Text" }, "mpris": { "image-size": 96, "image-radius": 12 } } }
{ "layer": "top", "modules-left": ["hyprland/workspaces"], "modules-center": [], "modules-right": ["cpu", "memory", "temperature", "backlight", "battery", "pulseaudio", "clock", "tray", "notification"], // Modules configuration "hyprland/workspaces": { "format": "{name}{icon}", "on-click": "activate", "sort-by-number": true }, "tray": { "spacing": 10, "icon-size": 30 }, "clock": { "format": "{: %Y-%m-%d %a %H:%M}", "tooltip": false }, "cpu": { "format": "{usage}% ", "tooltip": false }, "memory": { "format": "{}% ", "tooltip": true }, "temperature": { "critical-threshold": 80, "format": "{temperatureC}°C {icon}", "format-icons": ["", "", ""] }, "backlight": { "format": "{percent}% {icon} ", // "format-icons": ["", ""] "format-icons": ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""] }, "battery": { "states": { // "good": 95, "warning": 30, "critical": 15 }, "format": "{capacity}% {icon} ", "format-charging": "{capacity}% ", "format-plugged": "{capacity}% ", "format-alt": "{time} {icon}", "tooltip": false, "format-icons": ["", "", "", "", ""] }, "network": { "format-wifi": "{essid} ({signalStrength}%) ", "format-ethernet": "{ifname}: {ipaddr}/{cidr} ", "format-linked": "{ifname} (No IP) ", "format-disconnected": "Disconnected ⚠ ", "format-alt": "{ifname}: {ipaddr}/{cidr}", "tooltip": false }, "pulseaudio": { "scroll-step": 10, // %, can be a float "format": "{volume}% {icon} {format_source}", "format-bluetooth": "{volume}% {icon} {format_source}", "format-muted": "{volume}% {format_source}", "format-source": "{volume}% ", "format-source-muted": "{volume}% ", "format-icons": { "headphones": "", "handsfree": "", "headset": "", "phone": "", "portable": "", "car": "", "default": ["", "", ""] }, "on-click": "pavucontrol" }, "notification": { "tooltip": false, "format": "{icon}", "format‐icons": { "notification": "<U+F0A2><span foreground=’red’><sup><U+F444></sup></span>", "none": "<U+F0A2>", "dnd‐notification": "<U+F1F7><span foreground=’red’><sup><U+F444></sup></span>", "dnd‐none": "<U+F1F7>", "inhibited‐notification": "<U+F0A2><span foreground=’red’><sup><U+F444></sup></span>", "inhibited‐none": "<U+F0A2>", "dnd‐inhibited‐notification": "<U+F1F7><span foreground=’red’><sup><U+F444></sup></span>", "dnd‐inhibited‐none": "<U+F1F7>" }, "return‐type": "json", "exec‐if": "which swaync‐client", "exec": "swaync‐client ‐swb", "on‐click": "swaync‐client ‐t ‐sw", "on‐click‐right": "swaync‐client ‐d ‐sw", "escape": true } }
* { border: none; border-radius: 0; font-family: JetBrains Mono; font-size: 16px; min-height: 0; } window#waybar { background-color: transparent; } window#waybar.hidden { opacity: 0.3; } /* window#waybar.empty { background-color: transparent; } window#waybar.solo { background-color: #FFFFFF; } */ window#waybar.termite { background-color: #3F3F3F; } window#waybar.chromium { background-color: #000000; border: none; } #workspaces button { padding: 0 5px; background-color: transparent; color: #ffffff; border-bottom: 3px solid transparent; } /* */ #workspaces button:hover { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); box-shadow: inherit; border-bottom: 3px solid #ffffff; } #workspaces { background-color: #64727D; border-bottom: 3px solid #ffffff; } #workspaces button.urgent { background-color: #eb4d4b; } #mode { background-color: #64727D; border-bottom: 3px solid #ffffff; } #clock, #battery, #cpu, #memory, #temperature, #backlight, #network, #pulseaudio, #custom-media, #tray, #mode, #idle_inhibitor { padding: 0 10px; margin: 0 0px; color: #ffffff; } #clock { background-color: #64727D; } #battery { background-color: #ffffff; color: #000000; } #battery.charging { color: #ffffff; background-color: #26A65B; } @keyframes blink { to { background-color: #ffffff; color: #000000; } } #battery.critical:not(.charging) { background-color: #f53c3c; color: #ffffff; animation-name: blink; animation-duration: 0.5s; animation-timing-function: linear; animation-iteration-count: infinite; animation-direction: alternate; } label:focus { background-color: #000000; } #cpu { background-color: #2ecc71; color: #000000; } #memory { background-color: #9b59b6; } #backlight { background-color: #90b1b1; } #network { background-color: #2980b9; } #network.disconnected { background-color: #f53c3c; } #pulseaudio { background-color: #f1c40f; color: #000000; } #pulseaudio.muted { background-color: #90b1b1; color: #2a5c45; } #custom-media { background-color: #66cc99; color: #2a5c45; min-width: 100px; } #custom-media.custom-spotify { background-color: #66cc99; } #custom-media.custom-vlc { background-color: #ffa000; } #temperature { background-color: #f0932b; } #temperature.critical { background-color: #eb4d4b; } #tray { background-color: #2980b9; } #idle_inhibitor { background-color: #2d3436; } #idle_inhibitor.activated { background-color: #ecf0f1; color: #2d3436; } #mpd { background-color: #66cc99; color: #2a5c45; } #mpd.disconnected { background-color: #f53c3c; } #mpd.stopped { background-color: #90b1b1; } #mpd.paused { background-color: #51a37a; }
After the installation and configuration, hyprland can be started by running command Hyprland
from a TTY after login.