Python - Tensorflow

Table of Contents


Tensorflow is a deep learning library, which provides two programming interfaces, C++ and Python. Moreover, The Python API integrates very well with numpy. In many places, Tensorflow tensors can be interchanged with numpy ndarrays.


In tensorflow, machine learning algorithms are represented as computational graphs, i.e. graph, in which a vertex/node and an edge represent an operation (op) and a data flowing, respectively.


  • An operation can have zero or more inputs and produce zero or more outputs.
  • An operation may stand for a mathematical equation, a variable, a constant, a control flow directive, a file I/O operation, or even a network communication port.


  • A tensor is a multidimentional array or list, the generalization of scalars, 1-D vector, and 2-D matrices.
  • Tensors are the connecting edges, passed between nodes/ops in the flow diagram.
  • A tensor is a symbolic handle, which does not hold or store values in memory, but provides only an interface for retrieving the value referenced by the tensor.
  • Parameters
    The number of dimensions, i.e., the depth of brackets.
    The number of components in each dimension, e.g., the number of rows and columns. Tensorflow defines following shape-related functions, tensorflow.shape, tensorflow.size, tensorflow.rank, tensorflow.reshape, tensorflow.expand_dims.
    Data type assigned to the elements of the tensor, e.g., DT_FLOAT, DT_DOUBLE, DT_INT8, DT_UINT8, DT_INT16, DT_INT32, DT_INT64, DT_STRING, DT_BOOL, DT_COMPLEX64. Additionally, tensorflow provides following type transformation functions, e.g., tensorflow.string_to_number, tensorflow.to_double, tensorflow.to_float, tensorflow.to_int32, tensorflow.to_int64, tensorflow.cast.


  • Variables can be described as persistent, mutable handlers to in-memory buffers storing tensors. They maintain the state of the graph across executions.
  • A variable can be identified as a revisable tensor, which can be initialized by
    • tensorflow.zeros with all the elements equal zero.
    • tensorflow.ones with all the elements equal one.
    • tensorflow.fill with all the elements equal a given value.
    • tensorflow.constant for a constant.
    • tensorflow.random_normal for a normally distributed random variable.
    • tensorflow.truncated_normal for a truncated normally distributed random variable.
    • tensorflow.random_uniform for a uniformly distributed random variable.
    • tensorflow.random_gamma for a Gamma distributed random variable.
  • To manipulate and update variables, the assign family of graph operations are provided.
  • A variable must be initialized before it has a value, and a variable itself does not store the initial tensor.
    • Call initializer operation for each variable.
    • Call tensorflow.initialize_all_variables(), which in turn executes the initializer operation for each variable in the graph.
  • Variables can be saved in and restored from a checkpoint file by a tensorflow.train.Saver object, in which its name property is used by default. What deserves to be mentioned, a checkpoint allows for persistent storage and recovery of variables.


  • Placeholders are special variables, which must be replaced with concrete tensors on graph execution and supplied in the feed_dict argument to
  • For each placeholder, its shape and data type should be specified.


  • The execution of operations and evaluation of tensors may only be performed in a special environment referred to as session.
  • Its method run takes as input the nodes (including feed nodes) in the graph whose tensors should be computed and returned.
    • A feed can temporarily replace the output of an operation with a tensor.
    • A feed can be provided as an argument to
    • The most common case is to designate an operation to be a feed by method tensorflow.placeholder.
  • As a context manager, a Session object is indispensable to launch a graph.
  • Its constructor can be provided with a graph object, so that the Session object understands the target graph to manage.
  • The default constructor of the Session class will launch the default graph.
  • A session should be closed to release resources using close method. The procedure can also be automatically performed with a with block, i.e.,
with tensorflow.Session() as s:
    # Some operations
  • In the case of interactive python shell, e.g., ipython, class Session can be replaced by class InteractiveSession.


  • A graph can be executed in the context of a Session in a couple of ways.
    • Call and pass a list of tensors, which are desired to computed. Upon invocation of run, Tensorflow will start at the requested output nodes an work backwards, examining the graph dependencies and computing the full transitive closure of all nodes that must be executed.
    • Call eval() on tensors and run() on operations directly. In this case, it is possible to explicitly specify the order of node evaluations, a.k.a. control dependencies.
  • Represent data as tensors.
  • Maintain state with Variables.
  • Use the operations of feed / fetch to get data into/out of an operation.


Tensorflow programs are usually structured into a construction phase, that assembles a graph, and an execution phase that uses a session to execute ops in the graph.

# Create a new graph.
g = tensorflow.Graph()

# Register the graph g as the default one to add nodes.
with g.as_default():
    # Add operation nodes.

In the tensorflow Python library, there is a default graph to which ops constructors can add nodes. The default one is sufficient in most cases.


As a built-in module inside tensorflow, tensorboard is a web interface for graph visualization and manipulation. It provides a couple of summary operations (nodes), scalar summary and histogram summary. The former shows the progression of a scalar tensor value, and the latter tracks distributions.

The concrete practice can be summarized into 3 steps as below.

  1. Group nodes into name scopes.
  2. Add scalar and histogram summaries to operations.
  3. Instantiate a SummaryWriter object.