Orgmode - Link

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Orgmode is an extremely powerful tool for get thing done (GTD), project planning, note keeping, etc.

Orgmode makes it fairly easy to insert, edit, and reference to a variety types of links.


The general format for a link looks like [[link][description]] or [[link]]. If the description is a file name or URL that points to an image, HTML export will inline the image as a clickable button. If there is no description and the link points to an image, the image will be inlined into the exported HTML file.

Internal links

An internal link is used to mark an object and assign it a number. The marked object can be referenced by links pointing to it. Particularly, links without description appear as the number assigned.

  • An entry with the CUSTOM_ID property of my-custom-id can be referenced to as [[#my-custom-id]].
  • [[My Target]] or [[My Target][Find my target]] leads to a text search in the current file for the corresponding target <<My Target>>.

Targeted links

File links can contain additional information for more precise jumping, which can be a line number or a search option after a double colon.

Link Target
[[file:/path/to/filename::9]] Line 9 of the target file.
[[file:/path/to/filename::My Target]] Find <<My Target>> in the target file.
[[file:/path/to/filename::*My Target]] Find headline My Target in the target file.
[[file:/path/to/filename::#my-custom-id]] Find entry with the CUSTOM_ID property of my-custom-id.
[[file:/path/to/filename::/regexp/]] Find regular expression regexp in the target file.


Keybinding Functionality
C-c l Store a link to the current location.
C-c C-l Insert a new link or edit an existing link.
C-c C-o Open the link at point.
C-c & Return to the previous position.