Emacs - CDLaTeX

Table of Contents


CDLaTeX1 is a minor mode for fast LaTeX environment and macro insertion2. In this sense, its functionalities are very similar to AUCTeX3. What's more, some of its convenience provided are also covered by AUCTeX.


The package of cdlatex is available at melpa, which can be easily installed.


If AUCTeX is installed, CDLaTeX can be activated on top of it via

(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook 'turn-on-cdlatex)

Otherwise, CDLaTeX can be directly turned on with latex mode, i.e.,

(add-hook 'latex-mode-hook 'turn-on-cdlatex)


In org mode, instead of CDLaTeX itself, its light version org-cdlatex-mode should be used, which depends on cdlatex.el (in package CDLaTeX) and texmathp (in package AUCTeX). To automatically turn it on in a org file, add the following line in the emacs configuration file, e.g., ~/init.el.

(add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'turn-on-org-cdlatex)



Keybinding Functionality
C-c ? cdlatex-command-help
C-c { cdlatex-environment
C-c - cdlatex-item
$ cdlatex-dollar
( cdlatex-pbb
[ cdlatex-pbb
{ cdlatex-pbb
| cdlatex-pbb
< cdlatex-pbb
^ cdlatex-sub-superscript
_ cdlatex-sub-superscript
TAB cdlatex-tab
` cdlatex-math-symbol
' cdlatex-math-modify

Backquote (`) + character

By CDLaTeX, mathematical symbols can be easily input by a backquote (`) followed by a character. In order to support more mathematical symbols, CDLaTeX defines 3 different levels, which can be entered by a different number of backquotes before a character.

Prefix + TAB

CDLaTeX can automatically expand a variety of prefix + TAB bindings as follows.

Prefix Functionality
pref Make page reference
ref Make reference
lbl Insert automatic label at point
ct Insert \cite
cte Make a citation interactively
cite{ Make a citation interactively
beg Complete an environment name and insert template
env Complete an environment name and insert template
it New item in current environment
ite Insert an ITEMIZE environment template
enu Insert an ENUMERATE environment template
equ Insert an EQUATION environment template
eqn Insert an EQUATION environment template
ali Insert an ALIGN environment template
ali* Insert an ALIGN* environment template
alit Insert an ALIGNAT environment template
alit* Insert an ALIGNAT* environment template
xal Insert a XALIGNAT environment template
xal* Insert a XALIGNAT* environment template
xxa Insert a XXALIGNAT environment template
xxa* Insert a XXALIGNAT environment template
mul Insert a MULTINE environment template
mul* Insert a MULTINE* environment template
gat Insert a GATHER environment template
gat* Insert a GATHER* environment template
fla Insert a FLALIGN environment template
fla* Insert a FLALIGN* environment template
fg Insert a FIGURE environment template
sn Insert a \section{} statement
ss Insert a \subsection{} statement
sss Insert a \subsubsection{} statement
pf Insert a \paragraph{} statement
sp Insert a \subparagraph{} statement
ssp Insert a \subsubparagraph{} statement
cl Insert \centerline
inc Insert \includegraphics with file name
lr( Insert a \left( \right) pair
lr[ Insert a \left[ \right] pair
lr{ Insert a \left{ \right} pair
lr< Insert a \left\langle \right\rangle pair
caseeq Insert a = { construct
fr Insert \frac{}{}
sq Insert \sqrt{}
intl Insert \int\limits_{}^{}
suml Insert \sum\limits_{}^{}
nonum Insert \nonumber\\
fn Make a footnote
qq Insert \quad
qqq Insert \qquad



It is named after its author, Carsten Dominik.