Linux - Zathura

Table of Contents


Zathura is a light PDF viewer, with Vi/Vim-like keybindings. It always reloads and refreshes documents automatically. In this sense, it is naturally capable of providing real time preview of a PDF file, e.g., produced by LaTeX. Additionally, it has the option of enabling inverse search based on synctex.


pacman -S zathura zathura-pdf-mupdf



Keybinding Functionality
h/j/k/l Scroll left/down/up/right.
J/K Go to the next/previous page.
gg Go to the first page.
G Go to the last page.
nG Go to the nth page.
?// Search backward/forward for the text.
n/N Search backward/forward for the next result.
o/O Open a document.
R Reload document.
Tab Show index and switch to index mode.
a Fit page.
s Fit width.
r Rotate by 90 degrees.
d Toggle dual-page view.
f Follow links.
q Quit
Ctrl-r Invert color.
F5 Toggle to presentation mode.
F11 Toggle to fullscreen mode.
Ctrl-n Toggle status bar.
+/-/= Zoom in/out/to the origin size.
mX Set a quickmark to X, a letter or a number.
'X Goto quickmark saved at X.

Index mode

Keybinding Functionality
j/k Move to lower/upper entry.
h/l Collapse/expand entry.
H/L Collapse/expand all entries.
space/return Select and open entry.