
Table of Contents

3GPP TR38.901 offers the guidance and methodology of channel modelling, including both system-level simulation (SLS) and link-level simulation (LLS).

Coordinate systems

Global coordinate system (GCS) and local coordinate system (LCS) are linked by a rotational matrix \(\mathbf{R}\), which can be decomposed as 3 successive primary rotations around Z/Y/X axes respectively. Accordingly, the composite rotational matrix \(\mathbf{R}\) can be expressed as the product of 3 Givens rotation matrices.

Large-scale fading

In SLS, large scale attenuation needs to be modelled. Coupling loss is defined as the combination of distance-dependent path loss, shadow fading, antenna gain at the transmitter and receiver, outdoor-to-indoor (O2I) penetration loss1.

  • Path loss is usually dependent on propagation types, i.e. line-of-sight (LOS) or non-line-of-sight (NLOS).
  • Propagation type, LOS/NLOS, is per site2.
  • Location type, i.e. indoor or outdoor, is per user3.
  • Shadow fading is per site4.
  • O2I penetration loss is per user5.

Small-scale fading

In TR38.901, small-scale fading is generated as follows.

  1. Network topology deployment, including BS and UE.
  2. Determine propagation condition, i.e., LOS/NLOS, and indoor/outdoor.
  3. Calculate pathloss.
  4. Generate correlated LSP, i.e., DS, ASA/ASD/ZSA/ZSD, K, SF.
  5. Generate exponentially distributed per-cluster delays.
  6. Generate per-cluster power.
  7. Generate per-ray angles, AoA/AoD/ZoA/ZoD.
  8. Random coupling
  9. Generate per-ray XPR.
  10. Generate per-ray initial phase.
  11. Generate per Tx-Rx pair CIR.
  12. Apply pathloss and shadowing.

Spatial consistency

The procedure can be modelled as a 2D random process involving

  • Cluster-specific parameters in steps 5-7, and
  • Ray-specific parameters in steps 8-10.



O2I penetration loss is usually considered for indoor users in the case that base stations are placed outdoor.


All the sectors/cells of one site share the same propagation type.


Location type is an inherent property of a user.


The shadow fading is shared by all the sectors/cells of one site.


O2I penetration loss is an inherent property of a user, shared by all the channels to a user.