Linux - Makefile
As is well-known, makefile
is a text file which specifies the behavior of make
. According to the rules in makefile, a project can be automatically built in a fairly smart way.
Given a project, different from Windows platform, where the required makefile is implicitly generated by the IDE in use; in Unix/Linux, it is of the most importance to compose a makefile. Only in this way, we can control the building and linking of the given project to maximum extent.
A typical makefile for a C++ project can be shown below, where
- The compiler is GCC.
- The resultant binary is
. - 3rd-party library IT++ is used, which is installed at
. - Shared library is used for debug, while static library is adopted for release.
- Openmp-based multithreading is utilized for release build.
- Doxygen-based documentation, with the configuration file
CC := /usr/bin/g++ INC := $(foreach dirs, $(shell find $(shell pwd) -iname '*.h'), $(dirs)) SRC := $(foreach dirs, $(shell find $(shell pwd) -iname '*.cpp'), $(dirs)) OBJ := $(subst .cpp,.o, $(SRC)) BIN := prj ifdef RELEASE CFLAGS := `/opt/itpp/bin/itpp-config --cflags` LFLAGS := `/opt/itpp/bin/itpp-config --static --libs` CFLAGS += -fopenmp LFLAGS += -lgomp else CFLAGS := `/opt/itpp/bin/itpp-config --debug --cflags` LFLAGS := `/opt/itpp/bin/itpp-config --debug --libs` endif LFLAGS += -lm %.o: %.cpp @echo "Building object file $@ ..." @$(CC) -c -o $@ $< $(CFLAGS) $(BIN): $(OBJ) @echo "Linking object files and creating binary program ..." @$(CC) $^ -o $@ $(LFLAGS) .phony: default clean clear doc default: $(BIN) clear: @echo "Removing all object files and the binary file ..." @-rm -f $(OBJ) $(BIN) clean: @echo "Removing all object files ..." @-rm -f $(OBJ) doc: @echo "Documenting ..." @doxygen -s config .
A counterpart for \(\LaTeX\) can be shown below.
# Generic make file for LaTeX: requires GNU make # # This makefile provides four targets: dvi, ps, pdf and clean. # The default is "pdf". # To make a dvi file, type "make dvi" # To make a ps file, type "make ps". # To make a pdf file, type "make pdf" or simply "make". # To remove all files generated by make, type "make clean". TEXFILE = main.tex .PHONY: dvi ps pdf clean pdf: $(TEXFILE:.tex=.pdf) ps: $( dvi: $(TEXFILE:.tex=.dvi) %.dvi: %.tex latex $<; \ bibtex $(<:.tex=.aux);\ latex $<; %.dvi dvips -q -t a4 $< -o $(< %.pdf: ps2pdf -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress $< clean: @rm -f \ $(TEXFILE:.tex=.aux) \ $(TEXFILE:.tex=.log) \ $(TEXFILE:.tex=.out) \ $(TEXFILE:.tex=.dvi) \ $(TEXFILE:.tex=.pdf) \ $(